Peoplesoft 9.2 Upgrade – Fluid User Interface Performance

by Aug 12, 2016

PeopleSoft version 9.2 offers new functionality to improve processes and productivity.  Per PeopleSoft 9.2, there are over 1,000 enhancements.  This represents a lot of change.  The most promising is the new Fluid User Interface.  If your shop intends to leverage the PeopleSoft 9.2 Fluid UI, please read to the end.  We need to talk.

Every major upgrade offers rewards and imposes risk.  No one knows this better than the team responsible for the upgrade.  Hitting the milestones of the project plan and delivering on time is a major accomplishment.  End-users have expectations for new functionality and performance.  Slow performance is too often interpreted as a poor roll-out.

Unknowns encountered along the critical path create uncertainty, stress, and threaten the go-live date.  Complete visibility minimizes unknowns and shrinks hurdles.  Precise measures the baseline before the upgrade, captures the new code execution during QA, and the actual end-user transactions on go-live.  The new code and usage patterns will change the stress points within the application stack.

This point cannot be overemphasized when the Fluid UI is chosen over classic.  The Fluid User Interface uses HTML5.  A Precise customer recently upgraded to PeopleSoft 9.2 with Fluid.  This shop runs on a robust infrastructure.  Users span the globe.  At the start of the business day, numerous users attempted to login with the following result:  Login failed!

Precise measures the performance choke-points.  As changes are made to the environment, Precise shows the results.  This feedback is essential to understanding what needs attention.  In this case, the number of Weblogic instances and Tuxedo queues were increased.  This additional processing power met the demands of the Fluid UI.  Now, PeopleSoft 9.2 with the Fluid UI is running like a top.  Users are able to realize the benefits of mobility, improved productivity.

Precise provided the path to success.  If these topics are of interest to you, we need to talk:  Request a Demo.