Wake On LAN

by Jun 17, 2020

There is no need for external “Wake On LAN” tools. If you want to wake up a network machine, simply tell PowerShell the MAC address of the target machine. Here is a function that composes the magic packet and wakes the machine(s):

function Invoke-WakeOnLan
    # one or more MAC addresses
    # MAC address must be a following this regex pattern
    # instantiate a UDP client
    $UDPclient = [System.Net.Sockets.UdpClient]::new()
    foreach ($_ in $MacAddress)
      try {
        $currentMacAddress = $_
        # get byte array from MAC address
        $mac = $currentMacAddress -split '[:-]' |
          # convert the hex number into byte
          ForEach-Object {
            [System.Convert]::ToByte($_, 16)
        #region compose the "magic packet"
        # create a byte array with 102 bytes initialized to 255 each
        $packet = [byte[]](,0xFF * 102)
        # leave the first 6 bytes untouched, and
        # repeat the target MAC address bytes in bytes 7 through 102
        6..101 | ForEach-Object { 
          # $_ is indexing in the byte array,
          # $_ % 6 produces repeating indices between 0 and 5
          # (modulo operator)
          $packet[$_] = $mac[($_ % 6)]
        # connect to port 400 on broadcast address
        # send the magic packet to the broadcast address
        $null = $UDPclient.Send($packet, $packet.Length)
        Write-Verbose "Sent magic packet to $currentMacAddress..."
        Write-Warning "Unable to send ${mac}: $_"
    # release the UDP client and free its memory

Once you ran the function, this is how you can wake up machines:

Invoke-WakeOnLan -MacAddress '24:EE:9A:54:1B:E5', '98:E7:43:B5:B2:2F' -Verbose 

To find out the MAC address of a target machine, run this line on the target machine or via remoting:

Get-CimInstance -Query 'Select * From Win32_NetworkAdapter Where NetConnectionStatus=2' | Select-Object -Property Name, Manufacturer, MacAddress 

More information can be found here: https://powershell.one/code/11.html.

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