
Get German Holidays

Here is a PowerShell function that gets all German holidays, either nationwide or just for your state: function Get-GermanHoliday {    param    (...

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Managing File Shares

Creating a new file share for your network requires Administrator privilege and this PowerShell code: $Parameters = @{ Name = "Packages" Path =...

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Masked Input

To safely enter input, scripts need to display a masked input. The easiest way to do this is to use Read-Host -AsSecureString: # Read-Host $entered...

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Avoid Get-EventLog

Get-EventLog is a highly popular cmdlet in Windows PowerShell. With just a few simple parameters, it reads event logs from the primary Windows event...

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Using PowerShell to organize Data Model Projects

Using PowerShell to organize Data Model Projects

Years after years we are creating new models. Maybe we save all the different projects to the same folder. After a while, we can have many projects in this directory.

This blog post shares a PowerShell Script which copy|move the project files to subfolders created by using the Copyright Year of the projects.

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Getting Parent Culture

Most of the time, localized resources are tagged with a culture name such as “en-us” or “de-de”. If you’d like to know what such an ID stands for,...

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