Using Friendly Robocopy

by Aug 30, 2016

PowerShell 2+

Robocopy is a tool of choice to copy files, and that does not change with PowerShell. You can, however, use PowerShell to embed robocopy inside a user-friendly PowerShell function. This way, you no longer need to remember the awkward command switches used by Robocopy, and instead use PowerShell parameters and IntelliSense.

A call to robocopy could then look like this:

PS C:\> Invoke-Robocopy -Source $env:windir -Destination c:\logs -Filter *.log -Recurse -Open

And here is the wrapper:

#requires -Version 3

function Invoke-Robocopy


        $Filter = '*',

    if ($Recurse)
        $DoRecurse = '/S'
        $DoRecurse = ''

    robocopy $Source $Destination $Filter $DoRecurse /R:0 
  if ($Open)
      explorer.exe $Destination

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