Manipulating Registry User Hive

by Aug 16, 2018

Reading and writing values to the HKEY_LOCAL_USER hive in the registry is easy, because this hive is the same for all users. How would you read or write values the HKEY_CURRENT_USER hive for a user that is not you?

Let’s assume you are admin and want to add registry values to the HKEY_CURRENT_USER hive of another user.

First you need to mount the user hive of that person. That hive is located in the NTUSER.DAT file inside the user profile of that person. As an administrator, this is what you need to run from PowerShell to mount the user hive for a user named UserTobias:

PS C:\> REG LOAD HKEY_Users\UserTobias "C:\Users\Tobias\NTUSER.DAT" 

The user hive would surface in the registry in HKEY_USERS as key UserTobias, and PowerShell can access this place like this:

PS C:\> Get-ChildItem -Path Registry::HKEY_USERS\UserTobias

    Hive: HKEY_USERS\UserTobias

Name                           Property                                                                       
----                           --------                                                                       
Console                        ColorTable00             : 789516
                               ColorTable01             : 14300928
                               ColorTable02             : 958739                                              
                               ColorTable03             : 14521914
                               ColorTable04             : 2035653
                               ColorTable05             : 9967496
                               ColorTable06             : 40129

Now it’s easy to read or even write keys and values to that particular users’ hive. This line would create a new registry key:

PS C:\> $null = New-Item -Path Registry::HKEY_USERS\UserTobias\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Test   

And here is how you can read and/or write a value:

PS C:\> Get-ItemProperty -Path Registry::HKEY_USERS\UserTobias\Software\Microsoft\OneDrive

EnableDownlevelInstallOnBluePlus : 0
EnableTHDFFeatures               : 1
PSPath                           : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Registry::HKEY_USERS\UserTobias\Software\Microsoft\OneDrive
PSParentPath                     : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Registry::HKEY_USERS\UserTobias\Software\Microsoft
PSChildName                      : OneDrive
PSProvider                       : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Registry

PS C:\> Set-ItemProperty -Path Registry::HKEY_USERS\UserTobias\Software\Microsoft\OneDrive -Name EnableDownlevelInstallOnBluePlus -Value 1 -Type DWord

PS C:\> Get-ItemProperty -Path Registry::HKEY_USERS\UserTobias\Software\Microsoft\OneDrive

EnableDownlevelInstallOnBluePlus : 1
EnableTHDFFeatures               : 1
PSPath                           : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Registry::HKEY_USERS\UserTobias\Software\Microsoft\OneDrive
PSParentPath                     : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Registry::HKEY_USERS\UserTobias\Software\Microsoft
PSChildName                      : OneDrive
PSProvider                       : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Registry 

Once you are done manipulating the HKEY_USERS registry hive, don’t forget to unload it:

PS C:\> $null = REG UNLOAD HKEY_Users\UserTobias 

Note that this command will raise an “Access Denied” error if you either do not have Admin privileges, or if the registry hive is in use by someone else. If you have launched regedit.exe, for example, while the user hive was mounted, regedit.exe will also show the mounted hive, and while regedit is open, the hive is locked and cannot be closed.

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