Finding Windows Build Numbers

by Aug 8, 2018

When you run winver.exe, you can easily retrieve the full Windows build number. Reading the build number from PowerShell is not as obvious. There is no a built-in cmdlet.

However, it’s easy to create a simple function that does it for you:

function Get-OSInfo
  $path = 'Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion'
  Get-ItemProperty -Path $path -Name CurrentBuild, UBR, ReleaseID, CompositionEditionID |
     Select-Object -Property CurrentBuild, UBR, ReleaseID, CompositionEditionID


The result will look similar to this:

PS C:\> Get-OSInfo

CurrentBuild  UBR ReleaseId CompositionEditionID
------------  --- --------- --------------------
15063        1088 1703      Enterprise 

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