Finding Logon Failures

by Jan 13, 2014

Whenever someone logs on with invalid credentials, there will be a log entry in the security log.

Here is a function that can read these events from the security log (Admin privileges needed). It will then list all the invalid logons found in the log:

# requires Admin privileges!
function Get-LogonFailure
          Get-EventLog -LogName security -EntryType FailureAudit -InstanceId 4625 -ErrorAction Stop @PSBoundParameters | 
                  ForEach-Object {
                    $domain, $user = $_.ReplacementStrings[5,6]
                    $time = $_.TimeGenerated
                    "Logon Failure: $domain\$user at $wann"
            if ($_.CategoryInfo.Category -eq 'ObjectNotFound')
                  Write-Host "No logon failures found." -ForegroundColor Green
                  Write-Warning "Error occured: $_"



Note that this function can work remotely, too. Use the -ComputerName parameter to query a remote system. The remote system needs the running RemoteRegistry service, and you need local administrator privileges on the target machine.

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